© Noel Harrower 2018
Manchester City News Fellowship Players
Archibald, a naughty boy with a peashooter in one act comedy “House full” 1942
Andy Haveran, a cheeky Irish lad in “Boyd’s Shop” by St. John Irving 1946
Reggie Frampton in “Husbands are a Problem” 1948
The Centurian at Galgotha in “If any Man...” by David Izatt 1951
(An Easter play performed at St. Mark’s Methodist Church, Fayid Suez Canal Zone)
Performed in two radio plays on the Forces Broadcasting Service, MELF, Egypt
“They came up from the Sea” and a radio comedy
Manchester University Students Union Theatre Group
The Thane of Caithness, messenger and 2
murderer in “Macbeth” 1953
Team player in “Suite Sixteen” a Rag Revue, “
Old Adam and Sir Oliver Martext in “As You Like It” 1954
Tubal, friend of Shylock, in “The Merchant of Venice” “
Team player in “The Mad House”,a Rag Revue, devised by Tom Egan 1955
Produced two play readings, “Under Milk Wood” by Dylan Thomas
and “Mary Rose” by J.M. Barrie
Produced “The Playboy of the Western World” by J. Synge 1955
Fluellen in “King Henry V” (Part of the Manchester Festival of Arts) 1956
Nuneaton Teachers Amateur Dramatic Society
Romanov in “Ring Round the Moon” by Christopher Fry 1958
Sir Oliver Surface in “The School for Scandal” by Richard B. Sheridan 1959
The Director in “ The Director ”, a one act farce 1960
Produced a recoded play
Hall Green Little Theatre, Birmingham
Revd. Eli Jenkins in “Under Milk Wood” by Dylan Thomas 1962
Mr Gill in “The Two Bouquets” by Eleanor and Herbert Fargeon 1963
Bolstrode in “A Month in the Country” by Ivan Turgenev 1964
Duncan, King of Scots, 1
murderer and Old Siward, in “Macbeth” 1965
Cannon Chasuble in “The Importance of being Ernest” By Oscar Wilde 1966
Brutus in the quarrel scene “Julius Caesar” in “A Night with Shakespeare” 1967
Alderman Halliwell in “When we are Married” by J B Priestley 1968
Billy Bones, and Redruth in “Treasure Island” by R. L. Stevenson 1968
The Solihull Parish Players
Shendi in “The First Born” by Christopher Fry Dates uncertain
Produced Recorded readings from “Jesus Christ” by Dorothy L. Sayers
Noah in “Noah’s Flood” an original mystery play
The first knight in “Murder in the Cathedral” performed in Birmingham Cathedral
The Apostle in “Star over Bethlehem” by Noel Harrower
Sancha in “Sunday costs five Pesos”
The Knowle Revels
Nippy Briggs in “The Blue Goose” 1967
The United Nations Association Youth Group
Numerous parts in “Voice of the People” a drama for the 30
Anniversary of the
Proclamation of The International Convention of Human Rights
performed in Birmingham Cathedral
in the presence of the Lord Mayor 1968
The Nottingham Lacemarket Theatre
Dr Purgon in “The Imaginary Invalid” by Molliere 1971
The pig and the turkey in “The Owl and the Pussycat” 1972
Ballested in “The Lady from the Sea” by Henrik Ibson 1973
Pistol and Feeble in “Henry 1V Part Two” by W. Shakespeare 1974
Soldier in “Night in the Trojan War” by Lord Dunsany 1975
Ben Jordan in “”by Stanley Houghton 1976
Bardolph in “The Merry Wives of Windsor” By W. Shakespeare 1978
Dr Einstein in “Arsenic and Old Lace” 1988
Erpingham in “Erpingham Camp” by 1989
Malanus in “The Pot of Gold” by
The pastry cook in “Amadaus” by
Fabian in “Twelfth Night” by W. Shakespeare 1995
Dr Macfarlane in “Hobson’s Choice” by Harold Brighouse 1997
Chair-born Players: Chilwell
Pedlar in “Nottingham Fair” by Noel Harrower 1987
Ugly sister in the pantomime “Cinderella” 1988
Writer, Narrator and Producer of “Exmouth at War” Glenorchy URC 2007
Inspector Trunchonmeat in “Murder at Tottering Towers”. a murder mystery
week-end organised by Maslen George 2010
various other parts including work with the British Drama League and at
Nottingham and Notts. Drama Association Festivals
Parts I Have Played